Monday, September 17, 2012

Training - 09/10/12 - 09/16/12

32.92 miles this week. Miles have been really low leading up to the Bear Chase 50 Mile, now only two weeks away.  I've been trying to do every-other-day runs since I seem to be best recovered that way. I'd rather be under-trained than over-trained and I've been feeling good so I'm not too concerned about the low miles, which may come back to haunt me.  I've been getting in a decent long run every weekend too - until this one - so that is a positive as well.

Monday, September 10 - 9.51 Miles, 10:14 pace, 158 HR. 163.2 lbs. Boneyard run with Chris. Felt good and strong at first, but was tired after mile 5 from keeping up with Chris on some faster pace stuff.  Did a couple of small hill sprints at the end just for giggles.  Good day.

Tuesday, September 11 - 0 Miles - Rest day. 161.6 lbs

Wednesday, September 12 - 0 miles - Forced rest day. 161.2  lbs. Terrible weather outside so decided on Thursday/Friday back-to-back days -which I typically suck at.  Hindsight - should have just toughed it out.

Thursday, September 13 - 6.10 Miles, 9:16 pace, 161 HR. 161.4  lbs. Plan was for intervals with Chris, and 10 miles, on the High Line Canal.  Got a phone call from my wife that my oldest daughter had had an allergic reaction at school (she has a peanut allergy) and obviously called it a day right way to go see her - but I was 3 miles away from my car.  Fortunately it wasn't a reaction to peanuts, but something environmental, so no EpiPens needed.

Friday, September 14 - 10.20 Miles, 9:54 pace, 159 HR. 161.0 lbs. Great day at the Boneyard today. I was pretty tired by mile 7 but find that when I push my pace to just beyond comfortable, and don't just sit back at that comfortable pace, I tend to have pretty good days.

Saturday, September 15 - 0 Miles - Rest day. 159.4  lbs. Feeling really lousy today so glad it's a rest day.

Sunday, September 16-  7.11 Miles, 11:47 pace, 136 HR. 160.0  lbs. Headed out to get 18 miles on my weekly long run.  Before even getting out of bed (30 minutes late at 4:10am) I knew it was gonna be rough.  Motivation was in the negatives and I was feeling lousy.  By mile 2 I had resigned myself to getting in only 7 by at least completing a single lap of the Bluffs, at whatever pace I could muster.  Fighting a cold or something, plus maybe having some symptoms from the flu shot I got on Thursday afternoon. Two weeks until Bear Chase.  Don't need this nonsense now.  If there is one positive I can take away, it's still doing a sub 12:00 pace, feeling like garbage, and walking so friggin' much.

Nutrition - Nutrition was good, until Sunday. Feeling lousy, I lit it up on Sunday night.  Definitely nothing wrong with my appetite.  I stayed gluten and dairy free (two straight weeks now), but I'm not even trying to do paleo or follow my training diet.  I've been feeling really strong and really good - why mess with it?

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