Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bear Chase 50 Mile Trail Race Tomorrow...

I picked up my race packet for the Bear Chase 50 Mile Trail Race today and will be #120 this year.  Race starts at 6:30am MST tomorrow - Sunday, September 30, 2012.

#120 for the Bear Chase 50 Mile
Time to get the drop bag ready and get everything sorted out.

Here are my pace goals - - unlike last year where my goal was to finish, I'm shooting for sub 10 hours this year.

I've been feeling pretty good, and my taper has been good too.  If anything, I'm probably under-trained. But better to be under than over...

You can track the race online here -

If you are an app person, there are these:

iPhone -

Android -

Good luck to all the 10k, 1/2 marathon, 50k and 50 mile runners tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Downloaded the app, the webpage is bookmarked, I'm ready too, good luck, well be thinking about you.
