Sunday, June 24, 2012

Training - 06/18/12 - 06/24/12

28.95 miles on this taper week. Sooooo hard getting out of bed in the morning any more. Don't think the seasonal allergies help that so I'm popping Allegra every day now. The runs this week were mixed results, but ended on a positive note. Six days until the North Fork 50 Mile Trail Race. I've got my equipment planned out (I think), but still debating what to do fuel wise.

Monday, June 18 - 0 Miles - Rest day.

Nutrition: 1/2 cup almonds, white chocolate macadamia Clif Bar, 1 cup blueberries & cherries, grilled steelhead, grilled asparagus, grilled mini-peppers, carrots & broccoli, spinach salad, banana. Lots of water.

Tuesday, June 19 - 0 miles - Rest / taper day.

Nutrition: 1/2 cup of almonds, green smoothie, banana, grilled chicken breast, grilled mini-peppers, carrots, broccoli, onions & mushrooms, grilled asparagus, spinach salad. Lots of water.

Wednesday, June 20 - 7.81 miles, 9:44 pace,154 HR - A couple of days off helped a bit. Felt OK for the most part but it's a fine line between resting and rusting. Did a little bit of speed stuff and felt OK. I'm not feeling as good as I had hoped to be though with only 10 days until the NF50. My nutrition is on track this week but still feeling tired. Will only run every other day until the race on 06/30. H2O only today.

Nutrition: 1/2 cup almonds, peach, banana, green smoothie, grilled chicken breast, grilled mini-peppers, carrots, broccoli & onions, 1 cup fresh cherries, chick pea curry w/ brown rice and quinoa, sweet potato & beet chips. Not a good paleo day, but that's what the wife made for dinner, and I'm starving!

Thursday, June 21 - 0 miles - Rest / taper day.

Nutrition: Lots of fruit (Bananas, mango, orange, peach, berries), almonds, green smoothie, grilled steelhead w/ veggies, spinach salad.

Friday, June 22 - 7.82 miles, 9:57 pace, 160 HR - Really rough day today. Breathing was ragged and had terrible HR creep. With about 2 miles to go, my HR went way up and stayed there. Walked/jogged the last mile. Exact same route I did on Wednesday, at a slower pace and higher HR. Hoping I'm just dehydrated.

Nutrition: More of the same nutrition today as yesterday, but add on MOVIE POP & POPCORN, oh and some bison chili and a class of Cabernet.

Saturday, June 23 - 0 miles. Rest day.

Nutrition: Snacked all day on fruit and veggies (tons of broccoli) with hummus (not paleo I know). And chicken enchiladas for dinner (corn tortillas and not wheat at least) and then... blueberry cobbler. I'm weak.

Sunday, June 24 - 13.32 miles, 10:19 pace, 153 HR - My last long run before the North Fork 50 Mile next Saturday. First 4 miles was rough, but things got better after that. Really happy overall with pace and how I felt (after mile 4). Ate a 1/2 of a Clif Bar at the 30 minute mark which I think perked me up. Typically I don't do well with solid food and stay away from it for the most part. Figured it was a good day to experiment a bit - and it seemed to work. 2nd half of the Clif bar after 45 minutes and then raisins 45 after that. Hydration with Amino Vital with 24oz pre-run.

Nutrition: Sirloin steak, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, oranges, almonds, more MOVIE POP & POPCORN AGAIN, sirloin roast w/ organic BBQ sauce and gluten free bread, spinach salad.

Overall not too bad of a nutrition week. It wasn't perfect but could have been a lot worse. I stayed away from dairy and had almost no gluten, but went way overboard on corn. Like I've said before, weekends are tough for me.

Planning on two very short, easy, runs on Tuesday and Thursday this week and need to have a really good nutrition week with lots of sleep.

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